Posted on 2:57 AM

Eamcet career counselling sessions now online

These counselling sessions have provided an opportunity for Eamcet qualified students and their parents to interact with senior academicians, who presented their views on different streams of Engineering, Pharmacy, Medicine, Dental Sciences, Biotechnology and other allied subjects.

The sessions have helped students understand the process of web counselling.
Understanding the web counselling process is very important for the students aspiring to join engineering and pharmacy courses as any wrong entry can have a disastrous effect on the outcome.
Dr. K. Raghunath, Camp Officer, Engineering Admissions demystified the web counselling process for engineering and pharmacy courses and explained the procedure step by step in the programme conducted at Hyderabad on July 01.
The edited video of Dr. Raghunath’s lecture is now available in three parts online.
Students who missed the counselling sessions can now check the video for understanding the process. More videos on discussion on different subjects will be uploaded shortly.
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